
Are you part of the network of supporters who facilitate Leicestershire’s innovation ecosystem? Do you help make things happen? This category tells the story of the mentors, coaches, investors and advocates who give up their time and energy to drive our region forward.

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Almost 90% of the 2,500 businesses working in Leicester and Leicestershire’s booming creative sector employ fewer than 10 people. Yet the sector as a whole produces £700 million for the local economy annually. This category celebrates design and creativity ranging from small, independent digital studios to big names from the region’s textiles heritage. Previous winners have demonstrated how their innovative designs helped to increase sustainability, support independent living, and offer unique products to the market.

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New technologies are now part and parcel of modern schooling and training. Young people are routinely taught to code from a young age. This category celebrates work going on in schools, colleges, and community projects to identify and support the ideas of the future. Previous winners have developed community assets, integrated mental health support programmes, and inspired interest in STEM subjects among young people.

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Food and drink is one of the biggest sectors in Leicester and Leicestershire, worth almost £1.8billion. It ranges from the world’s largest crisp factory to almost 4,000 microbusinesses - all of which can innovate and grow. This category showcases how producers and manufacturers are making changes that drive productivity and accelerate growth.

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Leicestershire is home to the UK’s first Life Science Opportunity Zone and the sector accounts for more than 14,000 local jobs. Medicines and technology discovered in our region are changing the way people live their lives for the better. This category celebrates innovators whose work is enabling people to overcome health challenges.

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More than 81,000 jobs in our region are in advanced manufacturing and engineering. These innovators are providing highly innovative technical solutions to real world opportunities and challenges. This category recognises how STEM businesses of all sizes are bringing new products to market - and building the future.

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Leicester and Leicesershire’s aerospace and satellite technology sector has the potential to be worth £500million by 2030 and is pulling in investment from around the world. This category celebrates those working on ground-breaking research and technology. Previous finalists have shown innovation in satellites, mapping, air quality management and more.

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Sport is a huge part of the region’s brand, with 1,245 local businesses - many of them with no more than 10 employees. Health remains a significant employer, producing more than £1.8 billion for the economy and employing more than 55,000 people. This category recognises changes being made to help keep our region’s people fit, healthy and active. It could be anything from innovative projects in schools to new community outreach programmes at sports clubs, to new intervention pilots in clinical settings.

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The Low Carbon sector in Leicester and Leicestershire is growing. Wind energy is the largest specialism but there is also work going on in hydrogen technology and more. This category recognises work being done in taking new Low Carbon products and services to market - but also initiatives to cut waste, integrate renewable technology, and find new ways of managing energy consumption.

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Leicester and Leicestershire’s three universities have been encouraging young innovators for decades. The specialisms on offer are wide and there is significant opportunity for integrating R&D into business through our region’s incubators and KTP programmes. This category celebrates the work of graduate start-ups, spin-outs, researchers and more.

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Each year at the Leicestershire Innovation Awards, an idea, product or service emerges that has the potential to revolutionise a particular sector and change the way we live our lives. This award will be awarded to a category finalist who has achieved something that is truly unique - whether they have already brought it to market or are in the process of doing so. 

This is a closed category with no nomination process, the winner will be decided by the judging panel.

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The Outstanding Contribution Award is a special accolade recognising an individual who has achieved the rare distinction of inspiring and delivering innovation repeatedly over the course of their career. Previous winners have included health researcher Professor Kamlesh Khunti CBE, Richard Freeman, of precision optics expert Zeeko, and Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys, inventor of DNA fingerprinting.

This is a closed category with no nomination process, the winner will be decided by the judging panel.

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